Clarksville Chiropractor Dr. Katie Keene

Dr. Katie Keene
My introduction to chiropractic is not unlike most people – I had sustained an injury.
I had carried an empty 2 drawer filing cabinet up a flight of steps; the cabinet wasn’t heavy, just bulky. Within an hour I was experiencing pain in my low back that was excruciating. I was an administrative assistant at that time, and I couldn’t sit in my work chair due to pain. It was even difficult to drive because every time I wanted to turn the steering wheel of the car it would send sharp pains into my back and hips. After several weeks of my pain not getting better, my friend encouraged me to see her chiropractor. I found that I didn’t have a “pinched nerve” or a “slipped disc”, but that my body and hips were unbalanced and preventing me from healing.
As I proceeded through my care plan, I realized something amazing happened to me on the days I was adjusted: I felt better overall, I had a better outlook on life, and I had a better attitude. Irritations that would have bothered me in the past didn’t faze me. I discovered that when I was adjusted and my body in proper alignment I had wonderful days. Several years later I found myself applying to chiropractic school – I wanted to give other people better days as well.
A Local Background
I like to say I’m a local. I was born and raised right across the river in Louisville – Valley Station to be exact. I attended Pleasure Ridge Park High School and later the University of Louisville. My bachelor’s degree is in Anthropology, which is the study of people, however I focused my degree in archaeology and natural science anthropology (I studied a lot of bones – mostly human). Seems a long way off from Chiropractic, but my study of human anatomy made for an easy transition to Chiropractic.
Chiropractic Education and Experience
I attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer is the very first chiropractic school, as D.D. Palmer conducted the very first chiropractic adjustment in Davenport in 1895. He then began training others to treat people in the same manner – Adjustments done by hand.
I have spent time as a Chiropractor in Defiance, OH, Cincinnati, OH, Corydon, IN and now Clarksville, IN. I love being able to work and live so close to family and friends. This area is my home, and I love helping those in my community feel better, live better and have better days through Chiropractic care.